Welcome to Alabama Credit Union! Here you will find information on accepted and unaccepted Alabama CU logos, the color scheme that we use, and even logos/colors for our signature charity, Secret Meals For Hungry Children. Please note that any online or print publication with the Alabama Credit Union logo must be approved by someone in the marketing department. Please email marketing@alabamacu.com.
Approved Logos
Our logo symbolizes everything our credit union stands for. When we put our logo on something, it’s like we’re giving our handshake. And that handshake should mean something.
Below, you can find the downloadable links to all of our accepted logos in PDF, JPG, and EPS formats. These are the two primary colors we use on most branding.

(For UAH use only)

(For UAH use only)
Incorrect Logo Usage
Our logo should always have the correct colors, with no effects added.
When placing the Alabama CU logo, always use
an official logo file and never recreate the logo
from scratch. Give the logo its correct clear
space and always utilize the correct colors.
Never skew or distort the logo, change its
colors or apply effects. And never, under any
circumstances, place anything in the negative
space of the logo.
Color Scheme
Our color palette unites our brand visuals, signaling strength, trust, and confidence to our
members. Consistent use of these colors ensure our members and neighbors can recognize us
Our primary color is ALABAMA CU RED. We use secondary colors to bring a modern feel to our communications. These allow us to maintain a cohesive look while keeping our promotions fresh and exciting.

Secret Meals For Hungry Children
Secret Meals For Hungry Children is our signature charity. We provide weekend food packs to qualifying schoolchildren that identify as going hungry over the weekend. The nutritious packs of food are discretely slipped into the child's backpack before they leave for the weekend. To learn more visit Secretmeals.org.

West Alabama Logo

Generic Logo