Frequently Asked Questions
Below, you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions. For more information, please contact our Member Care Center at 888.817.2002.
Business Account Requirements FAQ
Church Account
- Valid ID for each signer planning to be on the account
- Certification of Tax ID (IRS EIN/TIN Letter)
- Church’s By-Laws (Church’s Charter) or Articles of Incorporation (Must be recorded)
- Signed minutes (by someone higher ranking but not signer on account) of a meeting authorizing the account to be opened and stating who the signers will be
- Business License (if required)
- If incorporated, the religious corporation must be registered to do business with State of Alabama or Florida State
- This page can be printed from the Secretary of State site
- A credit report will be pulled for all signers on the account
Corporation Account
- Valid ID for each signer planning to be on the account
- Certification of Tax ID (IRS EIN/TIN Letter)
- Articles of Incorporation or Certificate of Formation (Must be recorded)
- Business License (if required)
- Must be registered to do business with State of Alabama or Florida State
- This page can be printed from the Secretary of State site
- A credit report will be pulled for all signers on the account
General/Limited Partnership Account
- Valid ID for each signer planning to be on the account
- Certification of Tax ID (IRS EIN/TIN Letter)
- Articles of Incorporation or signed Partnership Agreement. If there is no written partnership agreement, a letter signed by each partner stating the percentage of each partner, name of the business, purpose and address of the business.
- Signed acknowledgement statement from all partners who will not have access to the account stating that they are aware an account is being opened at Alabama Credit Union and they will not have access to it.
- Business License (if required)
- Limited Partnership must be registered to do business with State of Alabama or Florida State
- This page can be printed from the Secretary of State site
- A credit report will be pulled for all signers on the account
Limited Liability Company (LLC) Account
- Valid ID for each signer planning to be on the account
- Certification of Tax ID (IRS EIN/TIN Letter)
- Articles of Organization or Certification of Formation (Must be recorded)
- Verification of members and their percentages. We will need one of the following:
- Signed Operating Agreement or Trust Agreement
- Tax Returns (previous two years) or Schedule K
- Member Statement listing all members and their percentages, signed by all
- Signed acknowledgement statement if not all LLC members will be on the account stating they are aware the account is being opened and they will not have access
- Business License (if required )
- Must be registered to do business with State of Alabama or Florida State
- This page can be printed from the Secretary of State site
- A credit report will be pulled for all signers on the account
Non-Profit Corporation Account
- Valid ID for each signer planning to be on the account
- Certification of Tax ID (IRS EIN/TIN Letter)
- Articles of Incorporation or Certificate of Formation (Must be recorded)
- By Laws or Charter can be provided in addition to articles or certificate
- Meeting minutes stating an account is to be opened at ACU and who will have access to the account. Must be signed by all directors and must include their board positions.
- Business License (if required to have one)
- Must be registered to do business with State of Alabama or Florida State
- This page can be printed from the Secretary of State site
- A credit report will be pulled for all signers on the account
Organization/Association Account
- Valid ID for each signer planning to be on the account
- Certification of Tax ID (IRS EIN/TIN Letter)
- By-Laws or Charter
- Meeting Minutes stating the intention to open the account at ACU, listing the officers of the organization/association, and listing who will be signers on the account. Must be signed by someone within the organization/association who will NOT be on the account.
- Business License (if required)
- A credit report will be pulled for all signers on the account
Sole Proprietorship Account
- Valid ID for each signer who will have access to the account
- Certification of Tax ID (May use TIN or owner’s SSN)
- Business License (if required)
- A credit report will be pulled for all signers on the account
Business Account FAQ
Is my business eligible for membership in Alabama Credit Union?
To be eligible for membership in Alabama Credit Union, a business must be located in one of the communities we serve:
- Alabama Counties: Baldwin, Bibb, Blount, Cullman, Escambia, Fayette, Hale, Jefferson, Lamar, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Mobile, Morgan, Pickens, Shelby, Tuscaloosa, Walker, Winston.
- Florida Counties: Escambia County
Do I have to be a member to open a Business Account?
If your place of business is located in one of the communities that we serve, it is eligible to become a member of Alabama Credit Union.
Does opening a Business Account mean my business is a member of the credit union?
Yes and is entitled to one vote at our annual membership meeting.
What advantages does Alabama Credit Union offer small businesses?
Competitive pricing on account fees, and extraordinary member service. Plus, a growing suite of products and services tailored for small businesses.
Are my business funds federally insured?
Yes, up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration. In addition, your Member Business Account™ is privately insured up to $100,000 by Excess Share Insurance. Depending on your business’s ownership structure, these insurance protections are in addition to those in place for your personal account(s).
I need to order checks
Please log onto your online banking and select the option in our member service menu. (Reorder share drafts) You can also place an order by calling Harland Clarke at 1-800-500-2441.
I need to change, add, remove a signer/owner
Please log onto your online banking and select the option in our member service menu. This will initiate your request and someone will reach out to you to help make the needed changes. If you are not enrolled in online banking, please call our Member Care Center at 888.817.2002 and ask to speak to one of our MBA specialists or visit your local branch.
I need to change an address
Please log onto your online banking and select the option in our member service menu. This will initiate your request and someone will reach out to you to help make the needed changes. If you are not enrolled in online banking, please call our Member Care Center at 888.817.2002 and ask to speak to one of our MBA specialists or visit your local branch.
I would like to open an additional account
Please click on the following link and select the appropriate option that corresponds to the account you are needing to open.
I need to change the name of my business
Please log onto your online banking and select the option in our member service menu. This will initiate your request and someone will reach out to you to help make the needed changes. If you are not enrolled in online banking, please call our Member Care Center at 888.817.2002 and ask to speak to one of our MBA specialists or visit your local branch.
Membership FAQ
How do I join the Credit Union?
To join, you can visit any of our convenient branch locations, or apply online here! When you join, you’ll open a savings account.
How do I manage my UA student org account?
Alabama Credit Union will assist you in establishing and maintaining your UA student organization account.
Opening Account
The following is required to open an account:
- The organization must be registered with The Source
- Valid photo ID for each signer on account (Government issued ID/passport)
- Verification of Social Security Number or Tax ID
- ID and Action Card of the UA Advisor on file
- Students and advisor must sign the UA Student Association Agreement and Association Resolution at ACU branch
Changing Signers
The following is required to change a signer on an account:
- Update your records with The Source
- Valid photo ID for each new signer on account (Government issued ID/passport)
- Students and advisor must sign a new UA Student Association Agreement and Association Resolution at ACU branch
What is the minimum balance to open an account at Alabama Credit Union?
To become a member, deposit $5 into a savings account and pay a one-time $1 membership fee.
How can I order checks?
You can order checks through our Reorder Express page . You can also place an order by calling Harland Clarke at 1-800-500-2441 or submit a reorder through your online banking Services & Settings Menu (Reorder Share drafts).
How do I sign up for direct deposit?
If you work for The University of Alabama or UAH, you can sign up at any of our branches. If you work anywhere else, please give your payroll department with the following
Alabama Credit Union routing number 262277419
Your account number including the two digit account suffix. The suffix is 50 for checking or 00 for savings, this will go at the end of your account number. (Ex. For direct deposit for account 12345 going into checking, it would look like 0001234550.).
Some employers require a certain number of digits, if this is required simply fill in the remaining blanks in front of your account number with zeros.
How do I change my name on my account?
A name change form will need to be signed by the account owner whose name has changed. We also need a copy of a valid photo ID showing the new name. We ask that you come to a branch to change your name.
How do I add/remove joint owners from my account?
A new signature card will need to be signed by everyone concerned whether they are being added, being removed or staying on the account. We do ask that all owners come to the credit union, but this can be done by mail if needed.
How do I remove a deceased owner from an account?
We at Alabama Credit Union are sorry for the loss of your friend or relative and are anxious to assist you in handling the deceased owner’s account. Here is information that will make the process simpler:
- Obtain a copy of the death certificate to present to us.
- Make an appointment to visit the credit union. We’ll prepare information to assist you during your visit.
- If possible, invite the other account owners to join you at the credit union to discuss your options.
- If the deceased had a loan with Alabama Credit Union, we will file for any Credit Life Insurance benefits available. This optional insurance (coverage by CUNA Mutual Group only) was offered at the time the loan was made. We regret that we are unable to file for any other credit life insurance benefits available from other insurers.
- Please discuss with us any issues regarding repayment of any loans with Alabama Credit Union — for example, does the surviving spouse/co-signer need a payment extension before resuming regular payments?
- If the deceased person held a safe deposit box at Alabama Credit Union, please have the joint tenants available to present all keys to the box. Only joint tenants (co-renters) may open the safe deposit box.
- If there is no joint owner on the account, we must rely upon the Letter of Testamentary (issued by a probate judge and usually based on the deceased's Last Will And Testament). This will may need to be probated, based on your attorney's advice. If you do not wish to probate the will, other steps may be necessary before the account can be closed or reassigned.
Please contact us for more assistance: 888.817.2002.
What is Alabama Credit Union's address?
Our Main Branch is located at 401 University Blvd. East Tuscaloosa, AL 35401.
If you are mailing a payment or documents please send to P.O. Box 862998 Tuscaloosa, AL 35486.
For other branch locations please use our Branch/ATM Locator.
How do I add/remove someone from my safe deposit box?
A new contract will need to be signed by all owners whether they are being added, removed or staying on the box. We do ask all owners to come to the credit union if possible, but this can be done by mail if needed.
Can I temporarily give someone access to my safe deposit box?
You may designate a deputy to have access to your box. First, bring that person to a credit union office to sign a signature card. Then, give them your key (we don't provide a key to a deputy). You should know that a deputy has full access to your box, just as you do. You can revoke a deputy's access to your box by completing a new signature card, but you must obtain the key from him or her if you have provided one. For more information, consult your Safe Deposit Box Agreement or ask us for a copy.
Can I get a new safe deposit box?
The following branches have safe deposit boxes: Main Branch, Downtown Tuscaloosa, Indian Hills, North River, Northport, Five Points, Huntington, Hillcrest, Fayette, Hoover, Valleydale, Madison, UAH, S. Huntsville, Decatur, Cullman, Gulf Shores, Foley, Orange Beach, Daphne, West Mobile, Perdido Key
The sizes (in inches) are: 3x5, $25; 5x5, $30; 3x10, $40; 5x10, $50; and 10x10, $100. All boxes are 26 inches long.
Annual rent payments auto deducted from either savings or checking. First year rent is due at box opening. Opening must be initiated by primary account holder.
Please visit one of these branches to check availability.
Do I have to come in to make an account transfer?
No, our Automated Phone Teller is available 24 hours a day for no charge, as will our online banking Internet account service. When you set up your account, Automated Phone Teller service will be provided to you. If you have an existing account, please stop by one of our branches to set up a PIN and sign the signature card. To enroll in online banking®, click on the online banking® icon on any other page of our Website, and set up your account online.
How do I check the balance of my CD/IRA?
On your account statement or online banking, the balance appears in the same column as the savings account balance. CDs are suffixes 70 - 90, IRA CDs are 60 - 69, IRA shares are 07, 10, 18, 19.
Will I get notice before my CD renews?
Yes, and you’ll have 10 days to notify us if you do not want your CD to automatically renew.
I have power of attorney for a member. How do I handle their transactions?
Please bring in or mail the POA to Member Services. We may or may not accept a POA, at our own discretion, and may wish to contact the issuer before conducting any transaction.
How do I close an account?
To close your account, all owners on the account need to sign a note stating they agree to close. You can submit this through online banking, fax to 205-650-1000, or mail it to ACU. Please include where you want any remaining funds mailed and copies of each owner's current photo ID.
What can a joint account owner do?
A joint account owner means that both owners have the same access to the account. As an owner of the account, both can deposit, withdraw and make payments. Consent of all owners would be required to close the account.
Does ACU offer cash advances?
ACU offers cash advances for members on MasterCards only.
How do I close out my CD before it matures?
To close out your CD early, you may visit any branch or send in a secure email through your online banking. However, please be aware that there is an early withdrawal penalty based on the amount of the withdrawal and the term of the CD.
How do I deposit a foreign check?
You can bring or mail your foreign check to one of our branches. It must be endorsed exactly as the check is written. It will then be sent for foreign collections. Your account will be credited once we receive the funds.
What is CO OP Shared Branching?
ACU partners with the CO-OP Shared Branch Network, a nationwide network of shared credit union offices. The CO-OP Shared Branch Network offers over 30,000 ATMs and 5,000+ shared branches which means you have more direct, surcharge-free access to your money than with most traditional banks. To find a CO-OP Shared Branch near you use our Branch Locator.
What is the check hold policy?
To determine availability of funds please present your check for deposit at one of our branches.
Can I get a cashier's check?
Cashier's Checks are available at ACU branches. This is a service we offer to our members for a $2.00 fee.
Can I cash a check drawn off an Alabama Credit Union account?
To cash a check drawn off an Alabama Credit Union account, please visit any branch location with a valid US government or state issued ID.
We do not charge a fee to cash checks drawn off an Alabama Credit Union account.
How do I get a Verification of Deposit?
You may bring a Verification of Deposit (VOD) into any of our branches or fax to 205-650-1000 for completion. Please make sure this includes your name, account number and your signed authorization dated within the last 30 days.
What is Regulation D?
Reg. D places no limit on the number of transactions that can be made with checking accounts since they are designated transaction accounts. However, your savings account is designated as a non-transaction account and is therefore limited to no more than six withdrawals or transfers per month.
How can I stop a check?
In order to place a Stop Payment, sign into your online banking. Select the Services & Settings menu and choose Stop Check Payment to request a Stop Payment on a share draft, a range of share drafts, or an electronic payment on your account with ACU.
Do checking accounts earn interest?
No, but the account has no minimum balance. The account includes a MasterCardTM ATM/Debit card with no fee from Alabama Credit Union. Plus, you have free access to our Automated Phone Teller and online banking.
Online/Mobile FAQ
Why can't I see my new account in online banking?
If you have recently opened another account or suffix with us it may take a couple of days for it to appear online. If it wasn't opened recently, you can request to have it added to your online banking by clicking the settings icon (gear) in the top right corner and clicking Add Account in the Online Accounts section.
What is the difference between the available balance and the balance?
In online banking, the difference between the available balance and the balance may be pending items that haven't been posted yet, which are visible as the first line of the transactions on the activity page.
Locked out of online banking?
You can unlock your online banking even if it says your credentials have been blocked.
- Click on forgot password link.
- Enter access id, primary email address and member number.
- Answer a security question.
- Reset your password and it unlocks your credentials.
If you experience issues, please give our Member Care Center a call at 888.817.2002 and select Option 2.
How can I sign up for E-Statements?
To view the video instructions, click here!
Step 1: In Online Banking, select your Savings Account on the homepage.
Step 2: Once your savings account has been selected, click Statements.
Step 3: You will then be prompted to register for e-statements. Please confirm the PDF viewer, enter your information, and select whether you want email notifications or not. Once you have completed the process, you are now signed up to receive e-statements.
*Reminder: If you are a joint account holder on your child's Billy Bear Savings Account or Student Account, their account must be registered for e-statements as well.
How do I add my mobile number to my online banking account?
To view how to link your mobile number to your online banking account, as well as register for text alerts, click here!
Reminder: Only use a phone number that you actually have access to. Do not change your number to that of someone you do not know or who is pressuring you to change it to an unknown number, even if they claim to be from Alabama Credit Union. If you are ever concerned, immediately call us directly at 888.817.2002
How do I add my auto loan to my online banking?
If you have not already registered for our online banking or downloaded our mobile app, we encourage you to do so.
Once you log in to your online banking using a laptop or PC, follow these quick steps to add your new auto loan to your online banking account.
Step 1: At the top of the screen where you see "Welcome" and your name, click on the downward arrow next to your name. A drop down box will appear.
Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the list to the line titled "All Services & Settings".
Step 3: Once on that page, under the section "All Services and Settings", go to the middle column and look for the "Preferences" section.
Step 4: Go to the link titled "Add Account". This is where you can tell us which suffixes you wish to view on your online profile.
How do I remove an account from my online banking?
To remove accounts from your online access, you will need to log into your online banking using the desktop version of our website. Once you are logged in, select Services & Settings and then Modify Access & Services.
How do I update my security code delivery settings?
Follow the steps below to update your security code delivery:
- Log into your account from our website.
- Select Services & Settings at the top of the screen.
- Under Security Settings, select Security Code Delivery.
- Select how you would like to receive your security code.
Note: Text Alerts are the preferred option for faster delivery of your code.
Why is my account balance showing as $0 or N/A?
If online banking is showing all of your account balances as $0 or N/A, this means online banking has lost connection with our servers. This is typically resolved within a few minutes and may be caused by a system update. We strive to plan these updates or temporary outages overnight to minimize the impact on our members. If online banking will be down longer than expected, we will post a notice to our members on our home page. We apologize for any inconvenience this temporary outage may have caused. If we can help with anything please call Member Care at (888) 817-2002.
Why isn't my mobile app working?
If your mobile app is crashing or just not opening at all, try the following steps:
Step 1: Power cycle the phone - Sometimes updates may not have been applied because the phone has not been shut down since the update install.
Step 2: Verify the operating system is up to date – check to make sure Android or Apple hasn’t released an update that is pending on the phone.
Step 3: Check account linked to your spendable balance – Make sure your spendable balance is linked to an open checking suffix.
Step 4: Uninstall/reinstall the app – This solves the majority of app issues. On the next login, you should be prompted for your phone number and a security question, this lets you know it's enrolling the device. If it only asks for username and password, the app wasn’t purged from the phone correctly. iPhones back up the app data in the cloud instead of on the physical phone.
Will my funds be available immediately?
Checks will be reviewed by our staff during our normal business hours. Business days are Monday through Friday excluding Federal holidays. All deposits are subject to a hold so the funds may not be available immediately upon being credited to your account.
What is the Alabama Credit Union short code?
The Alabama Credit Union short code will be provided to you once you enroll in Text Banking. For ease of use, we recommend that you add this number to your phone’s address book or contacts and name it something that you will easily recognize, such as “ACU Text Banking.”
Alabama Credit Union short code: 96865
Is there a cutoff time for mobile deposits?
Checks deposited by a smart phone have a cutoff time of 2 p.m. CST
What are the text banking commands?
Balance — B; History — H; Command — C; Help — He; Login — L; Stop — S
Will I be able to view the check image in ACUiBranch if it was deposited through mobile deposit?
The image will be available on the checking account the check was drawn on. A check image for the deposit is not available through online banking. Think of these as regular checks. If you are the person depositing a check from another person you won’t be able to see their check image in your account you’ll only be able to see the amount of the deposit. If you are the person that wrote the check you’ll be able to see that image in your online banking.
What are some reasons my mobile deposit might not be accepted?
We may decline a check for several reasons including the following: missing endorsement, incorrect date, mismatched amount on legal line and amount field, improperly scanned, torn check, or suspected kiting.
Can I mobile deposit a check?
You can use our mobile app to deposit checks directly into your account.
What is the maximum I can mobile deposit per day?
ACU has a daily limit of $5,000 on mobile deposits, but no limit on the number of checks up to that limit.
Why can't I see my new account in mobile banking?
If you have recently opened another account or suffix with us it may take a couple of days for it to appear online. If it wasn't opened recently, you can request to have it added to your online access by clicking the settings icon (gear) in the top right corner and clicking Add Account in the Online Accounts section.
Do you accept insurance checks through mobile deposit?
We cannot accept insurance checks for deposit if there are two endorsements required.
What is the difference between available balance and the balance?
In online banking the difference between the available balance and the balance may be pending items that haven't been posted yet, which are visible as the first line of the transactions on the activity page.
Zelle FAQ
What is Zelle®?
- Zelle® is a fast, safe and easy way to send money directly between almost any bank accounts in the U.S., typically within minutes1. With just an email address or U.S. mobile phone number, you can send money to people you trust, regardless of where they bank².
How do I get started?
It's easy – Zelle is available in online banking and the Alabama Credit Union mobile banking app under Move Money! Check our app or sign-in online and follow a few simple steps to enroll with Zelle today.
How does Zelle® work?
When you enroll with Zelle® through your online banking Bill Pay account, or mobile banking app, your name, the name of your financial institution, and the email address or U.S. mobile number you enrolled is shared with Zelle® (no sensitive account details are shared – those stay with your financial institution).
When someone sends money to your enrolled email address or U.S. mobile number, Zelle® looks up the email address or mobile number in its "directory" and notifies your financial institution of the incoming payment. Your financial institution then directs the payment into your bank account, all while keeping your sensitive account details private.
How do I enroll in Zelle®?
You can send, request or receive money with Zelle®.
To start using Zelle® at Alabama Credit Union, you must be enrolled in online banking or mobile app. If you are not already enrolled in online banking or mobile app, you can enroll by logging in to online banking or our mobile banking app. Locate the Move Money With Zelle tab and follow the instructions to complete the online banking or mobile app enrollment steps. Once enrolled in online banking or mobile app you can access “Send Money With Zelle®” tab in online banking or mobile app to complete a brief one-time enrollment to tell us which email address or U.S. mobile number and deposit account you would like to use to send and receive money with Zelle®.
How do I use Zelle®?
You can send, request, or receive money with Zelle®.
To get started, log into online banking or your mobile app, navigate to Bill Pay and select "Send Money with Zelle®". Review and accept the terms and conditions, enter your email address or U.S. mobile phone number, receive a one-time verification code, enter it, and you're ready to start sending and receiving with Zelle®.
To send money using Zelle®, simply select someone from your mobile device’s contacts (or add a trusted recipient’s email address or U.S. mobile number), add the amount you’d like to send and an optional note, review, then hit “Send.” The recipient will receive an email or text message notification via the method they used to enroll with Zelle®. Money is available to your recipient in minutes if they are already enrolled with Zelle®.
To request money using Zelle®, choose “Request,” select the individual from whom you’d like to request money, enter the amount you’d like, include an optional note, review and hit “Request”. If the person you are requesting money from is not yet enrolled with Zelle®, you must use their email address to request money. If the person has enrolled their U.S. mobile number, then you can send the request using their mobile number.
To receive money, just share your enrolled email address or U.S. mobile number with a friend and ask them to send you money with Zelle®. If you have already enrolled with Zelle®, you do not need to take any further action. The money will be sent directly into your Alabama Credit Union account, typically within minutes.
If someone sent you money with Zelle® and you have not yet enrolled with Zelle®, follow these steps:
a. Click on the link provided in the payment notification you received via email or text message.
b. Select Alabama Credit Union.
c. Follow the instructions provided on the page to enroll and receive your payment. Pay attention to the email address or U.S. mobile number where you received the payment notification - you should enroll with Zelle® using that email address or U.S. mobile number to ensure you receive your money.
Who can I send money to with Zelle?
You can send money to friends, family and others you trust².
Is my information secure?
Keeping your money and information safe is a top priority. When you use Zelle® within our mobile app or online banking, your information is protected with the same technology we use to keep your bank account safe.
I'm unsure about using Zelle® to pay someone I don't know. What should I do?
If you don't know the person or aren't sure you will get what you paid for (for example, items bought from an online bidding or sales site), you should not use Zelle® for these types of transactions.
Since money is sent directly from your bank account to another person's bank account within minutes¹, it's important to only send money to people you trust, and always ensure you've used the correct email address or U.S. mobile number.
Can I use Zelle internationally?
In order to use Zelle®, the sender and recipient's bank accounts must be based in the U.S.
What types of payments can I make with Zelle®?
Zelle® is a great way to send money to family, friends, and people you are familiar with such as your personal trainer, babysitter or neighbor².
Since money is sent directly from your bank account to another person's bank account within minutes¹, Zelle® should only be used to send money to friends, family and others you trust.
Neither Alabama Credit Union nor Zelle® offers a protection program for any authorized payments made with Zelle® – for example, if you do not receive the item you paid for or the item is not as described or as you expected.
Can I cancel a payment?
You can only cancel a payment if the person you sent money to hasn't yet enrolled with Zelle®. To check whether the payment is still pending because the recipient hasn't yet enrolled, you can go to your activity page, choose the payment you want to cancel, and then select "Cancel This Payment."
If the person you sent money to has already enrolled with Zelle®, the money is sent directly to their bank account and cannot be canceled. This is why it's important to only send money to people you trust, and always ensure you've used the correct email address or U.S. mobile number when sending money.
If you sent money to the wrong person, we recommend contacting the recipient and requesting the money back. If you aren't able to get your money back, please contact our Member Care Center at 888.817.2002.
Scheduled and recurring payments are not sent with Zelle®. You can cancel a payment that is scheduled in advance if the money has not already been deducted from your account.
Are there any fees to send money using Zelle®?
No, Alabama Credit Union does not charge any fees to use Zelle® in the ACU mobile app or online banking.
Your mobile carrier’s messaging and data rates may apply.
Someone sent me money with Zelle®. How do I receive it?
If you have already enrolled with Zelle®, you do not need to take any further action. The money will move directly into your bank account, typically within minutes¹.
If you have not yet enrolled with Zelle®, follow these steps:
1. Click on the link provided in the payment notification you received via email or text message.
2. Select Alabama Credit Union.
3. Follow the instructions provided on the page to enroll and receive your payment. Pay attention to the email address or U.S. mobile number where you received the payment notification - you should enroll with Zelle® using that email address or U.S. mobile number where you received the notification to ensure you receive your money.
How long does it take to receive money with Zelle®?
Money sent with Zelle® is typically available to an enrolled recipient within minutes¹.
If you send money to someone who isn't enrolled with Zelle®, they will receive a notification prompting them to enroll. After enrollment, the money will move directly to your recipient's account, typically within minutes¹.
If your payment is pending, we recommend confirming that the person you sent money to has enrolled with Zelle® and that you entered the correct email address or U.S. mobile phone number.
If you're waiting to receive money, you should check to see if you've received a payment notification via email or text message. If you haven't received a payment notification, we recommend following up with the sender to confirm they entered the correct email address or U.S. mobile phone number.
Still having trouble? Please our Member Care Center at 888.817.2002.
Will the person I send money to be notified?
Yes! They will receive a notification via email or text message.
What if I want to send money to someone whose financial institution doesn't offer Zelle®?
You can find a full list of participating banks and credit unions with Zelle®here.
If your recipient's financial institution isn't on the list, don't worry! The list of participating financial institutions is always growing, and your recipient can still use Zelle® by downloading the Zelle® app for Android and iOS.
To enroll with the Zelle® app, your recipient will enter their basic contact information, an email address and U.S. mobile number, and a Visa® or Mastercard® debit card with a U.S. based account (does not include U.S. territories). Zelle® does not accept debit cards associated with international deposit accounts or any credit cards.
These transactions are potentially high risk (just like sending cash to a person you don't know is high risk). Neither Alabama Credit Union nor Zelle® offers a protection program for any authorized payments made with Zelle® – for example, if you do not receive the item you paid for or the item is not as described or as you expected.
What if I get an error message when I try to enroll an email address or U.S. mobile number?
Your email address or U.S. mobile phone number may already be enrolled with Zelle at another bank or credit union. Call Zelle® customer support team at 1-844-428-8542 and ask them to move your email address or U.S. mobile phone number to Alabama Credit Union so you can use it for Zelle®.
Once customer support moves your email address or U.S. mobile phone number, it will be connected to your bank account so you can start sending and receiving money with Zelle® through Alabama Credit Union's mobile banking app and online banking. Please call our Member Care Center at 888.817.2002 for help.
Where can I find my Zelle limit?
You can check your Zelle limit by selecting Limits(?) when you're about to send someone money.
Can I increase my Zelle limit?
To request a higher Zelle limit, please send us a Secure Message. You can do this by signing into your online banking and clicking the Messages icon near the top right.
For our mobile app, tap More at the bottom of the screen and then Messages.
E-Statement FAQ
How do I register for E-Statements?
Members are automatically enrolled in e-Statements when registering for a new online banking profile. There is no monthly fee for e-Statements and members have online access to 24 months of statements including tax documents.
If your online banking profile was created prior to 01/01/2016, you will need to enroll for e-Statements. View the video instructions here!
e-Statement Registration:
Step 1: In Online Banking, select your Savings Account on the home page.
Step 2: Once your savings account has been selected, click Statements.
Step 3: You will then be prompted to register for e-Statements. Please confirm the PDF viewer, enter your information, and select whether you want email notifications or not. Once you have completed the process, you are now signed up to receive e-Statements.
Once enrolled for e-Statements, members will no longer receive a paper statement.
Do I need any special software to use the E-Statement service?
To view e-Statements, you will need to use a browser that is capable of displaying a PDF document. Most modern browsers have this functionality built in. If yours does not, you will need a plug-in such as Acrobat Reader to help your browser display PDFs. Please consult your browser's documentation for help with add-ins or extensions.
Does it matter what browser I use to access the website?
We recommend using the latest version of any modern browser - Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge.
How will I know when my registration has been completed?
Once you've completed the registration process you will receive an email confirming your successful registration.
How will I know when I can view my statement?
You will receive an email notification whenever a new statement is available for viewing. If the statement is not viewed within a certain time frame, a reminder email will be sent as a follow up.
Can I print my statement out?
To print your documents from the browser, your browser or your browser's helper application will need to have print capability. If your browser doesn't support this functionality, you can also save the document to your device and print from there.
How long will my statement be available for viewing?
E-Statements will generally remain available for viewing for 12 months after they have been posted.
What do I do if my email address changes?
You can provide your new email address for e-Statement notification by selecting "Change Registration", and then choosing "Change Your Email Address".
I got an error message while trying to view an E-Statement. It says "There was an error processing a page. A font contains a bad CMap/Encoding." What does it mean?
You are using an old version of Adobe Acrobat Reader and need to upgrade to the latest version. Adobe recommends that you first uninstall any older version of Acrobat Reader prior to installing the updated version. Once this has been done you should be able to view your e-Statements with no problems.
What do I do if I'm having trouble viewing my statement?
Recent changes to your operating system software such as upgrades, downloads, and/or system enhancements can affect your device's ability to connect with secure sites and view PDF documents including our e-Statement site.
We recommend trying the following steps:
Step 1: Verify that you are current on all system updates.
Step 2: Ensure that you are using the most up to date version of your browser.
Step 3: If using Adobe Acrobat Reader, uninstall and reinstall Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Some pop-up blocker and firewall programs may prevent access to e-Statements. If you utilize these types of applications, you may need to disable certain features of the programs in order to access your e-Statements.
Checking Accounts
How to report a lost or stolen debit card
Call 888.817.2002 during Alabama Credit Union's business hours. If the credit union is closed, you should call 833-448-0027 to report your lost or stolen Debit MasterCard®.
In most cases, your Debit MasterCard® will be blocked immediately, thereby preventing any additional charges from posting to your account.
Best practice: Make a photocopy of all of the information in your wallet, and keep it in an easily accessible safe place. Be sure to photocopy the back sides of cards — they often contain information for reporting lost or stolen cards, or resolving disputed transactions.
How Can I Add My Business to the Local Merchant Discount Network?
To sign up online for free as a participating merchant, visit and click "Join BaZing Merchant Network."
How Do I Report Fraud on My Debit Card?
If you believe there is fraud on your Alabama Credit Union debit card, please call our partner EnFact's debit card fraud department at 833-448-0028.
Is there a limit on the number of checks I can write per month?
No. There is not a limit on the number of checks you may write per month on a personal account.
Debit and Credit Cards FAQ
Do I have to notify ACU when making a large purchase?
ACU does not require notification of large purchases. We may email you when large transactions take place via online banking. If you authorized the transaction, then no further action is needed. Learn more about setting alerts and limits on your cards using Card Center here.
Do you offer cash advances?
ACU offers cash advances for members on MasterCards only.
How do I view my credit card statements?
Desktop: Sign into your online banking, select your credit card account and click Credit Card Info.
Mobile App: Select your credit card account and tap View Cards.
How can I withdraw money from my savings account?
If you'd like to withdraw funds from your savings account you can visit any of our branches. If you have a checking account with ACU, your debit card may be used at ATMs to withdraw funds from your savings account.
How do I activate my debit or credit card?
To activate, change or set your PIN:
Debit cards, please call 800-992-3808.
Credit cards, please call 888-999-0173.
How Do I Block My Card?
Misplaced your card and need to turn it off? Card Center enables you to turn your card 'off', so no withdrawals or purchases will be approved. If you locate your card you can easily disable the 'off' feature.
Card Center helps you control both your Alabama Credit Union debit and credit cards through your mobile device, making it easy to set alerts and manage your finances on the go.
Card Center offers real-time alerts to keep you informed when your cards are used and the ability to control transactions, allowing your cards to only work in specific locations or geographic areas.
Learn more about Card Center here
How do I file a credit/debit card dispute?
Do you have an issue with a charge on your Alabama Credit Union Credit or Debit Card that you need some help in resolving?
If any of the following are true, you will need to reach out to the Merchant directly in an attempt to resolve the manner:
- You were billed an incorrect amount
- You haven’t received your merchandise
- The item you ordered isn’t what you received
- Your item arrived to you broken or damaged
When you reach out to the merchant, be sure to make a note of the date you called, who you spoke with and what they told you would be the next step. If the merchant requests you reach out to them via email, be sure to save a copy of the emails. If the merchant is unable or unwilling to resolve your issues, then you can reach out to our Dispute Center at 1-888-999-0173 for credit cards or 1-833-448-0028 for debit cards. You will need to be able to provide your records to the Dispute team in order for them to be able to present their best case to the merchant to show why there is an error.
If you have a charge on your card that not you or anyone that has permission to use your card made, you can reach out to the Dispute team at 1-888-999-0173 for credit cards or 1-833-448-0028 for debit cards and get your Fraud claim initiated right away.
How do I get my PIN?
To activate, change or set your PIN:
Debit cards, please call 800-992-3808.
Credit cards, please call 888-999-0173.
How do I increase the limit on my credit card?
If you would like to increase your credit card limit, you will need to submit a new application for review by clicking here.
How Do I Report My Card Lost or Stolen?
If you have a lost or stolen debit or credit card, please call
- Debit Cards: 833-448-0027
- Credit Cards: 888-999-0173
You can also visit any of our branch locations, who can print you off a new debit card immediately.
For branch locations and hours, visit
How do I report fraud on my credit/debit card?
If you believe there is fraud on your Alabama Credit Union credit card or debit card, please call the EnFact fraud dept. at 888-999-0173 for credit cards or 833-448-0028 for debit cards.
Is there a fee to use my card in a foreign country?
Mastercard charges a 1% currency conversion fee for all foreign transactions on both debit and credit cards.
What is the daily limit on my debit card?
You may purchase up to a maximum of $5,000 per day using your debit card.
Why did I receive a fraud alert?
EnFact Alerts:
Alabama Credit Union offers an alert system to help make members aware of when potentially fraudulent activity has taken place on their credit/debit cards. This service can send you a combination of email, text, and phone call communications letting you know that suspicious activity has been spotted on your account.
Once a potentially fraudulent transaction is detected on your card, we will place a temporary block on it, preventing further transactions. You must respond to one of these attempts to reach you for the card block to be lifted.
*If you believe there is fraud on your Alabama Credit Union credit/debit card, please call the EnFact fraud dept. at 888-999-0173 for credit cards or 833-448-0028 for debit cards.
To verify with us about an EnFact Alert you may have received, please call 833-763-2014 for credit cards or 833-735-1897 for debit cards.
Why was my credit/debit card blocked?
Please notify Alabama Credit Union if you will be traveling out of state or out of the country to ensure your Alabama Credit Union Mastercard continues working without interruption. Complete our Travel Notification Form and submit it through online banking secure message or present it at any Alabama Credit Union branch. You can also add travel plans using the Card Center feature in our online and mobile banking.
Countries blocked due to fraud risk
Due to the increasing amounts of fraud originating in certain countries Alabama Credit Union has taken steps to protect our members. These blocks only apply if a travel notice is NOT submitted. If a travel notice is submitted for your debit and credit cards, the blocks will not apply, unless the country has sanctions placed against them by the US Government.
Click here for the blocked country lists for credit/debit cards.
Lending FAQ
How do I submit my title?
If ACU is doing the title work for you simply bring the title in with you to your loan appointment. If the dealership is completing the title work, we will receive the title from the state.
How do I request a HELOC advance?
For advances of 5k or less, send in a secure message. For advances over 5k, please visit your nearest branch.
How do I receive my title?
If moving to another state, the local DMV will fax a letter to 205-650-1012 and note were to send the unreleased title.
How do I add the credit union as a lienholder on my title?
ACU will be listed as the lienholder on your title until your loan is paid in full. If the dealership does the title application, please have them list the following lien holder information: Alabama Credit Union, PO Box 862998, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486.
How do I send proof of insurance?
Please contact your insurance provider and provide them with the following lienholder information: Alabama Credit Union, PO Box 862998, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486. Your insurance company can then fax your proof of insurance to us at 205-650-1012.
How do I get a replacement title?
ACU can send you a lien release to take to your local DMV to order a replacement for a cost of $15. If ACU made the error during mailing, you can come to any branch to order the replacement free of charge.
How can I process a state change on my title?
Changes to titles may be handled in a few ways.
- If moving to another state, the local DMV will fax a letter to 205-650-1012 and note were to send the unreleased title.
- If changing a name due to marriage/divorce, will do a correction title application and will need updated drivers license, marriage certificate or divorce decree.
- If adding or removing someone from a title, a title transfer will be done and may need both parties to sign the title and title application depending on the situation.
How do I contact the collections department?
Our collections department is available Monday - Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Wednesday from 10:00am to 5:00pm Central Time.
You may reach them by calling 888-817-2002 and choosing option 6.
What is my payment grace period?
ACU has a 10 day grace period for all loans except for credit cards. Late fees are assessed on the 16th day. The loan will be reported delinquent to the credit bureau after 30 calendar days or more.
Where do I send my payoff?
Please mail certified funds to the following address:
Alabama Credit Union PO Box 862998 Tuscaloosa, AL 35486
Overnight Payment Address:
401 University Blvd East Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Attn: Loan Department
Will I receive a payment book for my loan?
While we do not offer loan payment books, we do have several easy ways for you to check the balance and amount due for your loan. You can check on your loan at anytime through online and mobile banking or through our automated phone system at 1-888-817-2002.
Does ACU offer out-of-state mortgages?
We offer mortgages for properties located in Alabama and Escambia County, Florida.
Skip-A-Pay FAQ
What is Skip-A-Pay?
This program allows you to skip your Alabama Credit Union Auto or Consumer loan payment.
Am I eligible to skip my payments?
To be eligible, your loan must have been open for at least six months and be in good standing, have not skipped or deferred more than two Alabama Credit Union loan payments in the past 12 months, and have no history of late payments at Alabama Credit Union.
Which loans are eligible for Skip-A-Pay?
Auto loans and personal loans that have not been skipped or deferred more than twice in the past 12 months are eligible for Skip-A-Pay. Mortgage loans, home equity loans, credit cards, and other lines of credit are not eligible.
Is there a fee?
There is a $35 fee per skip, per loan. To pay your $35 per loan service fee, you may give us authorization to deduct from your Alabama Credit Union checking or savings account or you may pay by debit or credit card.
How often can I skip a payment each year?
Members may skip any eligible loan up to two times in a 12 month period. There must be 6 months of payments between the last skip and the requested skip-a-pay.
Example: If you skip your auto loan payment in May, you would be eligible to skip your auto loan payment again in December. Just in time for the holiday season!
How do I request a Skip-A-Pay?
Click here to complete the Skip-A-Pay form. You must provide payment for the $35 service fee before your loan payment can be skipped. To pay your $35 per loan service fee, you may give us authorization to deduct from your Alabama Credit Union checking or savings account or you may pay by debit or credit card.
How does Skip-A-Pay affect my loan?
If you skip your loan payment, interest will continue to accrue on your Alabama Credit Union loan and the term will be extended. Also, If more than 3 payments are skipped during the life of an auto loan with GAP coverage, payments from GAP claims may be reduced.
What if I have automatic (ACH) payments?
You are responsible for rescheduling the dates on all ACH and other automatic bill payments that you have set.
What if I pay my loan through online Bill-Pay?
You will need to log into the Bill-Pay to stop and restart the payment. Please remember to turn it back on after your skip.
Will I receive a 1099 for dividends earned on my savings account?
Yes, any membership account that earns $10.00 or more in dividends will receive this tax document in the mail. These documents are also available in online banking by selecting your savings account, clicking Statements and then choosing Tax Forms from the Document Type drop-down.
How will I know how much I earned in dividends last year?
Your December account statements will display the Year to Date Interest for this tax year.
Where can I find my 1099?
Within online banking, select your savings account and click Statements. Your tax forms will be listed under the Document Type drop-down.
Where can I find my IRA tax documents?
Alabama CU mails your IRA 1099-R forms each January to the address on file. If you didn’t receive one please contact our Member Care Center.
Where can I find my mortgage interest statement (1098)?
These tax forms are mailed to the home address on file each January. If you didn’t receive one please contact our Member Care Center.
What is Alabama Credit Union's TIN?
Alabama Credit Union's TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) is 63-0440014
I need statement copies. Where can I get them?
You can access up to 24 months of account statements online by logging into your online banking from a PC or mobile browser. From there, click the Statements link beside your account to access the PDF copies.
Why are some check copies not visible in online banking?
Online banking displays a check image link for any item that was processed as a check. This can often include electronic debits using your routing and account information. These electronic debits do not contain an image of a physical check. If ACU is supplied with a check image for the transaction it will be linked to your online banking.
How far back can I search my account history online?
ACU hold the last six months of transaction data in online banking. For further research please see your monthly account statements.
How can I download and search my account history?
To download your account history in one of our various formats, login to ACUiBranch and select the specific account for download.
The account history will default to the last 30 days. To select a longer range, click More Options
Then select the file format and Download the file.