Please beware of suspicious phone calls and text messages regarding your account. Alabama CU will never call you to request your personal or financial information. If someone calls with this request, immediately hang up and contact us directly at 888.817.2002.

For more information, please visit our Security and Fraud Center.

Business Checking

We've got your back by putting your business first.

Alabama Credit Union Member Business Account

Our Member Business Account suite of tools can put your business growth on our red carpet. That means a level of quick-response personal service the banks just don't have time for.


Important Notice: Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting 

Starting in 2024, many business entities will need to provide Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) with beneficial ownership information. 

Introduction to BOI Reporting 

BOI Reporting Frequently Asked Questions

BOI Report Filing Dates

For more information, visit


It's your business to succeed... it's our business to make it easier.

Our Business Service Experts understand the ins and outs of small companies like plumbing contractors, restaurants, day-care centers, graphic designers, yoga studios...ongoing concurs like yours that need responsive, flexible banking to keep going strong.

Alabama Credit Union Member Business Account

Fee: FREE!
Included: 500 transactions/month

Real-estate offices, game developers, specialty grocery stores, taverns and health-care clinics can't have their momentum stopped cold by chilly bankers. Our Business Account suite puts your business first.

  • No monthly fee. Member Business Account comes complete with an ATM/Debit Card, e-statements and full use of ACUmBranch mobile banking, ACUiBranch online banking, and Automated Phone Teller.... all FREE
  • Up to 500 free transactions each month.
  • $0.15 per item in excess of 500 per month

Avoid NSF Fees! Overdraft protection available for your business account. *Subject to approval