Please beware of suspicious phone calls and text messages regarding your account. Alabama CU will never call you to request your personal or financial information. If someone calls with this request, immediately hang up and contact us directly at 888.817.2002.

For more information, please visit our Security and Fraud Center.

Small Business Loans

It's our business to keep your business growing.

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At Alabama Credit Union, you're a member, not a number. And it's our business to keep your business growing.

Alabama Credit Union funds small business loans such as:

  • Building & property purchases
  • Equipment purchases
  • Business-use vehicles
  • Credit Cards
  • Commercial property refinancing

To discuss business loans with us, please bring:  

  • Last 3 years tax returns (Business and Personal)
  • Personal Financial Statement

We want to help your small business succeed. Visit us to discuss your ideas and opportunities.